Hello! Welcome to another blog that is packed full of hints and tips for your wedding day. Have you read my recent post about the best hotels to spend your wedding morning in Oxford? If not, head on over there now! Well, unless you’re not getting married in Oxford of course, in which case, stay right here!
I thought it was time I put together another morning preparations blog. I’m often asked by couples if there’s anything they need to do, or know about, in the morning which will help get amazing photographs. I’m primarily a documentary photographer so rest assured I’m not going to stop you mid pampering to ask you to pose for my camera. I’m also not going to subject you to dozens of group photographs while you’re attempting to get ready. However there are a few things you can keep in mind, or prepare for ahead of the day, to ensure that not only are your photographs the very best they can be but that you have a lovely, stress free morning ahead of your wedding ceremony.
So, here are my five top tips for wonderful bridal prep photographs.

The room itself
The lighter and brighter the better! That goes for the room you’re getting your hair and makeup done and the space where you’ll be getting into your dress. If you’re getting ready at home choose the room(s) that have big windows and the nicest light. Your makeup artist will want to set up in front of a window too. It’s no good putting makeup on in a dark corner!

Regardless of whether you’re getting ready at home or in a hotel room it’s important to get your bridesmaids to have a quick whizz around and declutter, especially just before you get into your dress. We don’t want any carrier bags / shoe boxes or empty cups and plates in the back of a shot!

The dress
Ahhh, your beautiful wedding dress! If you’d like a photograph of the dress before you put it on then just let me know. Ideally a bridesmaid or your mum will be available to help me if I need to move it anywhere to get the best light. Let me know who hasn’t seen it so I make sure not to ask them!
I’ll have a quick scout around for where to hang the dress but if there’s anywhere you’d like it then just let me know.
Make sure it’s on a lovely hanger, some dress shops supply them otherwise you can buy your own from places like Etsy.

Details details
Make sure those all important details are out and available for me to photograph. Your flowers, shoes, jewellery, perfume etc. You’ll be busy when I arrive so just let a bridesmaid know where everything is so they can point me in the right direction.

And speaking of little touches, have a think about what you, and your girls, will be wearing that morning. No one wants photos in their ratty old pyjamas! Some brides like to get matching outfits for their bridesmaids to wear or they ask everyone to try and colour co-ordinate.

You’ll be surprised at how many gifts are given out on a wedding morning! If you’ve got your parents and / or bridesmaids a present to thank them for their support, don’t give them out until I arrive. It’s always a lovely moment to capture. Similarly, if your soon to be spouse has sent you a card and gift then try to hold off on opening it until a bit later on. Once your hair and makeup is all done, but just before you get into your dress is the perfect time.
I hope these five tips will prove useful. If you’ve recently got married and have any more hints or tips then let me know and I’ll include them in future posts.